This project aims to promote the application of educational robotics and programming, with support for learning scenarios in the classrooms. The focus will be on exploring 3D modeling and printing technologies, using microcontrollers and sensors as well as exploring immersive virtual reality environments. It is not intended to have a sectorial approach, but rather a broad approach that can be applied to all subjects corresponding to students secondary education (ISCED 2-3).
The issue of the digital competences has become increasingly important and has been taken up at the highest policy level. At the same time robots and computational thinking are in the political agenda of governments. Educational robotics and programing (ERP) engage learners in the use of robotic technologies for the development of learning objectives, skills or competencies. ERP emerges as a strategy that enhances the creation of learning environments based on Constructivism (Piaget) and Constructionism (Papert). Educational scenarios aim to design a learning situation composed by different activities in order to achieve certain learning objectives through different learning strategies.
Alone we can do so little... Together we can do so much
(Helen Keller)