ANPRI - National Association of Computer Teachers - is a community of teachers, with very real activities and impacts, in the life of schools and, in particular, in the teaching of information and communication technologies. It constitutes a space of ideas and practices, which allows to deepen the technological and pedagogical diversity of its members. This means, the pretension to develop a collaborative culture that surpasses the effect of ceiling, produced by a reducing school optics. The exercise of this mission covers the teaching activity in all its phases, from the teachers training, or in the performance of the teaching activity, in its multiple educational fronts. The ANPRI constitutes a space of participation, independent of geographical distance, in which its members are dispersed, or independent of the time, which forces the synchronism of availabilities. This participation is possible through dialogue and debate, which allows the critical and interested partnership, together with the Ministry of Education and Science, to raise the overall quality of teaching, to innovation, and to change the educational act.

Captura de ecrã 2020-12-20, às 19.23.40
Fernanda Ledesma

Project Coordinator

Sem nome
Carlos Almeida

Project Member

Sem nome
Anselmo Pinheiro

Project Member

Captura de ecrã 2020-12-20, às 19.26.52
Ana Gato

Project Member