ERP@LC Final Conference

Multiplier event - 05 to 06'05'2023

This event took place in Portugal from the 5th till the 6th of May, 2023. At this event, all IO developed throughout the project were presented, with a special focus on IO2, IO3 and IO4, as well as other results, especially those related to their impacts. The final objective was to raise awareness of the positive impact that the approach enabled by ERP@LC could have on student success. The target group for this event included teachers, teacher training centers and schools. The event lasted a day and a half and had an open format that included workshops, lectures and spaces for broad discussions. The intention was to facilitate a comprehensive discussion of the project results, informing participants about the specific issues addressed and participatory strategies designed to engage project beneficiaries in the actual thought process related to the planned solutions. This event had more than 100 participants.


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